Terms & Conditions

First Aid Pro’s mission is to deliver quality training assessment that meets the needs of learners and industry.

The First Aid Pro Canberra website is operated by First Aid Pro RTO #31124

Our objectives

In recognition of this mission, our objectives are: 

People- We strive to attract, recruit and retain talented, competent and committed people. We promote excellent performance through leadership and professional development. 

Safety and equality- We are committed to providing an environment which is safe, equitable and which promotes a confident and productive training and assessment environment. 

Integrity and ethics- We conduct ourselves in accordance with shared and agreed standards of behaviour which holds ethical conduct and integrity as our highest priorities. 

Quality commitment- We aspire to deliver consistent, high-quality services and apply quality systems that support training and assessment excellence.

Learner centred- We thrive on providing training and assessment that is learner-centred and which supports lifelong learning. We respect our clients and strive to attract them time after time through high-quality training and assessment experiences. 

Industry engagement- We recognise the value of industry engagement as the driving force in shaping our training and assessment strategies. We deliver training and assessment services that are founded on industry needs and expectations.

Our expectation of you

First Aid Pro expects you: 

  • To contribute to learning in a harmonious and positive manner irrespective of gender, race, sexual preference, political affiliation, marital status, disability or religious belief. 
  • To comply with the rules and regulations of First Aid Pro.
  • To be honest and respectful, which includes not falsifying work or information and not conducting yourself in any way that may cause injury or offence to others. 
  • To be responsible for your own learning and development by participating actively and positively and by ensuring that you maintain progress with learning modules. 
  • To monitor your own progress by ensuring that assessment deadlines are observed. 
  • To utilise facilities and First Aid Pro publications with respect and to honour our copyrights and prevent our publication from being distributed to unauthorised persons. 
  • To respect other students and First Aid Pro staff members and their right to privacy and confidentiality.

Your safety

First Aid Pro is committed to providing you with a safe environment in which to participate in training and assessment. The following guidelines are provided as a basis for safe practice in the training environment: 

  • Know and observe details of emergency response and evacuation plans
  •  Do not undertake activities that may cause injury to self or others
  •  Be responsible for your own actions
  • Smoking is not permitted at the training and assessment facilities or offices
  • Everyone has a responsibility to provide and maintain a safe working environment at all times, this includes staff, trainers, contractors, students and visitors
  • Report all potential hazards, accidents and near misses to the RTO staff
  • Consumption of alcohol within training and assessment facilities or during the conduct of training and assessment is not permitted and people appearing to be suffering the effects of intoxication or drugs will be asked to leave and will forfeit any course fees paid
  • Training and assessment areas must be kept neat and tidy at all times
  • Seek assistance if you volunteer to lift items e.g. move furniture in a training area
  • Observe hygiene standards particularly in eating and bathroom areas.

Electrical equipment- Electrical equipment that is not working should be reported to RTO staff. Electrical work should only be performed by appropriately licensed or trained personnel. Students, trainers and assessors should not undertake any task related to fixing electrical equipment such as lighting or electrical training aids. All electrical equipment used must be tagged and tested annually and any new equipment must not be used until it has been tested and tagged as safe.

Fire safety

First Aid Pro will undertake to communicate the procedures involved in evacuation and the location of fire equipment to students at each facility for each training and assessment event, and to users of the office at least twice each year. All users of a training and assessment facility need to be familiar with the location of all EXITS and fire extinguishers. Users will consult available maps to determine their location. It is the user’s responsibility to understand fire drill procedures displayed around the premises. Users are asked to attend any sessions on fire safety procedures and the use of fire safety devices.
First aid provisions are available where training is delivered. All accidents must be reported to staff. The accident and any aid administered must be recorded by staff involved.

Lifting Policy- Students, trainers and assessors are encouraged not to lift anything related to the training and assessment provided by First Aid Pro unless they do so voluntarily and taking all responsibility for any injury caused. Never attempt to lift anything that is beyond your capacity. Always bend the knees and keep the back straight when picking up items. If you have experienced back problems in the past do not attempt to lift heavy objects at all. Ask someone else to do it for you.

Housekeeping– Always ensure that all work areas are clean and clear of clutter to avoid the danger of accident by tripping or falling over. Place all rubbish in the bins provided. Ensure that kitchen bench spaces are left clean and tidy and that all dishes are washed. Do not leave tea towels or any cleaning cloths in a bundle on the benchtops or draped near any bin. Do not sit or climb on any desks or tables.

Your equity

First Aid Pro is committed to ensuring that the training and assessment environment is free from discrimination and harassment. All First Aid Pro staff members (including contractors) are aware that discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances. In the event that discrimination and harassment are found to have occurred disciplinary action will be taken against any staff member who breaches this policy. Suspected criminal behaviour will be reported to police authorities immediately. Students should expect fair and friendly behaviour from First Aid Pro staff members and we apply complaint handling procedures advocated by the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC).
Students who feel that they have been discriminated against or harassed should report this information to a staff member of First Aid Pro. This will initiate complaints handling procedures that will be fair and transparent and will protect your rights as a complainant. Alternatively, if a student wishes to report an instance of discrimination or harassment directly to an agency external to First Aid Pro, they are advised to contact the HREOC Complaints Info-line on 1300 656 419.

Your privacy

First Aid Pro takes the privacy of students very seriously and complies with all legislative requirements. These include the Privacy Act 1988 and National Privacy Principles (2001). Student information is only shared with external agencies such as registering authorities to meet compliance requirements as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). All information shared is kept in the strictest confidence by both parties and is available upon written request. 
In some cases, we are required by law to make student information available to others such as the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research. In all other cases, First Aid Pro will seek the written permission of the student for such disclosure.
Fees and refunds
In accordance with applicable State legislation, First Aid Pro is entitled to charge fees for items or services provided to students undertaking a course of study. These charges are generally for items such as course materials or textbooks, student services and training and assessment services.

Fees payable

Payment for the course is required at the time of booking either with Visa or Mastercard.  A tax receipt will be sent upon payment of the course.  Rescheduling fees are required to be paid at the time of the reschedule request .Please be advised that your Certificate will not be released until all course fees including any additional fees incurred (rescheduling fee) have been paid in full.

Student cancellation

Students who cancel their enrolment part way through a training program must notify First Aid Pro in writing at the soonest opportunity if consideration of fee reimbursement is required. Once First Aid Pro is notified a refund will be issued for the component of training not commenced. First Aid Pro is entitled to retain fees for any component of the course completed up until the point of notification by the student cancellation.

Replacement of text and training workbooks

Students who require replacement of issued text or training workbooks will be liable for additional charges to cover the cost of replacement. For a full list of replacement charges please refer to the First Aid Pro schedule of fees and charges.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

ALL students enrolling in nationally accredited training are required to provide photographic evidence to prove their identity (ie Drivers Licence, proof of age card, Passport) and also provide their USI (Unique Student Identifier). Students without any proof of identity or a pre-existing USI cannot be enrolled. First Aid Pzro cannot issue a certificate to any student, regardless of course outcome result, without the student providing a USI. You can download a fact sheet about the USI here. If you do not already have your USI, visit the USI website to create one.
You confirm that First Aid Pro has permission to locate your USI, if incorrect or not supplied.

Refunds and Cancellations

You can cancel your booking up to 2 clear business days prior to the commencement of your course, with a full refund given.

Cancellation Fees

Below is our cancellation fee table:

Provide CPR: $22
Provide First Aid: $40
Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting: $50
Zoom CPR: $50
Zoom First Aid: $85
Zoom Childcare First Aid: $100
Provide Advanced First Aid: $90
Provide Advanced Resuscitation & Oxygen Therapy: $50
Perform Rescue from a Live LV Panel: $40
Manual Handling: $50
Manual Handling Refresher: $22
Mental Health First Aid: $50
White Card: $50

Less than 2 days before your course date: No Refund

Non-attendance, non-full disclosure of information, late arrival or insufficient ID on the course date: No Refund

Reschedule Policy

Reschedule fee: $10

Less than 2 days before your course date: 50% of the course fee

*If a sickness certificate is forwarded to us, we will reschedule at no charge.*

You may reschedule your course (for a $10 fee) a maximum of 3 times, after which your booking will be cancelled.

Payment method

First Aid Pro accepts payment for fees using only Credit Card.

Access to your records

You are entitled to have access to your student file and learning and assessment records on request. You may require these to monitor your progress with training or simply to go back and confirm something in a previous training module. Whilst these records will be retained by First Aid Pro in our Adelaide archive facility, you are welcome to have access anytime or alternatively request a copy at no cost to you. If you require access to your records, just ask your trainer and it will be organised immediately.

Our continuous improvement of services

First Aid Pro is committed to the continuous improvement of our training and assessment services, student services and management systems. Central to this commitment is our approach to continuous improvement and the procedures we apply to achieve systematic and sustained improvement.

Suggesting improvements

The primary method of reporting opportunities for improvement by students is via course feedback forms, online feedback and email. This procedure allows any person to raise a suggestion for consideration by the Continuous Improvement Committee. Students and staff are encouraged to provide feedback to First Aid Pro so we can improve our services in the future.

Learner satisfaction survey

At the completion of your training program, you will be issued with a Learner Satisfaction Survey. This is a nationally consistent survey tool that is designed to collect feedback from students about their experience with an RTO and in undertaking nationally recognised training. Your completion and return of this survey are important to First Aid Pro for our ongoing improvement of services and to enable us to report this information to our registering authority. Your assistance in gathering this survey data is greatly appreciated.

Your language, literacy and numeracy skills

Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and comprehending written work instructions.
To support this approach First Aid Pro will: Assess a student’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during their enrolment to ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training; Support students during their study with training and assessment materials and strategies that are easily understood and suitable to the level of the workplace skills being delivered; Provide clear information to students about the detail of the language, literacy and numeracy assistance available; Refer students to external language, literacy and numeracy support services that are beyond the support available within First Aid Pro and where this level of support is assessed as necessary; and Negotiate an extension of time to complete training programs if necessary.

Making complaints and appeals

First Aid Pro is committed to providing a fair and transparent complaints and appeals process that includes access to an independent external body if necessary.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is negative feedback about services or staff that has not been resolved locally. A complaint may be received by First Aid Pro in any form and does not need to be formally documented by the complainant in order to be acted on. Complaints may be made by any person but are generally made by students and/or employers.

What is an appeal?

An appeal is an application by a student for reconsideration of an unfavourable decision or finding during training and/or assessment. An appeal must be made in writing and specify the of the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be submitted to First Aid Pro within 28 days of the student being informed of the assessment decision or finding.
Early resolution of complaints and appeals
In all cases, issues that arise during training and assessment that are the source of frustration or are in dispute should be resolved at the time they occur between the persons involved, where possible.
Sometimes, it will not be possible and in these cases, you are encouraged to come forward and inform us of your concerns with the confidence that you will be treated fairly.

Complaint and appeals handling

First Aid Pro undertakes to apply the following principles to its complaints and appeals handling: A written record of all complaints and appeals is to be kept by First Aid Pro including all details of lodgement, response and resolution. A complainant or person lodging an appeal is to be provided an opportunity to formally present his or her case at minimal or no cost. Each complainant or person lodging an appeal may be accompanied and/or assisted by a support person at any relevant meeting. The handling of a complaint or appeal is to commence within 10 working days of the lodgement of the complaint/appeal and all reasonable measures are taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable. 
The complainant or person lodging an appeal is to be provided a written statement of the outcome, including details of the reasons for the outcome. The complainant or person lodging an appeal is to have the opportunity for a person or a body that is independent of First Aid Pro to review his or her complaint or appeal following the internal First Aid Pro complaint or appeals process. It is noted that a review of findings by an independent person or body will generally only relate to the appeals process and is less likely to be required in complaints handling. First Aid Pro shall maintain the enrolment of the complainant or person lodging an appeal during the complaint or appeals process. 
Decisions or outcomes of the complaint or appeals process that find in the favour of the student or otherwise shall be implemented immediately. Complaints and appeals are to be handled in the strictest of confidence. No First Aid Pro representative is to disclose information to any person without the permission of the First Aid Pro Chief Executive Officer. Decisions to release information to third parties are only to be done after the complainant or person lodging the appeal has given permission for this to occur. Complaints and appeals are to be considered on the basis of procedural fairness and lead to opportunities for improvement as a Continuous Improvement Report.

RPL / RCC – recognition of your existing skills and knowledge

In accordance with the requirements of the ASQA Standards for Registered Training Organisations, First Aid Pro provides the opportunity for students to apply to have prior learning recognised toward a qualification or units of competence for which they are enrolled.

What is recognition?

Recognition involves the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge that an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system. Recognition assesses this unrecognised learning against the requirements of a unit of competence, in respect of both entry requirements and outcomes to be achieved. By removing the need for duplication of learning, recognition encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills and knowledge through structured education and training towards formal qualifications and improved employment outcomes. This has benefits for the individual and industry. Most importantly, it should be noted that recognition is just another form of assessment.

Recognition guidelines

The following guidelines are to be followed when an application for recognition is received: Any student is entitled to apply for recognition in a course or qualification in which they are currently enrolled. Students may not apply for recognition for units of competence or a qualification that are not included in First Aid Pro RTO #31124 scope of registration. Whilst students may apply for recognition at any time, they are encouraged to apply before commencing a training program. This will reduce unnecessary training and guide the student down a more efficient path to competence. Students who are currently enrolled in a training program are eligible to apply for recognition in that program at no additional charge. Assessment via recognition is to apply the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence. Recognition may only be awarded for whole units of competence.

Forms of evidence for recognition

Recognition acknowledges that workplace skills and knowledge may be gained through a variety of ways including both formal and informal learning or through work-based or life experience. 
Like assessment, recognition is a process whereby evidence is collected and a judgement is made by an assessor or assessment team. The judgement is made on evidence provided by candidates of the skills and knowledge that they have previously learnt through work, study, life and other experiences, and that they are currently using. It also includes evidence to confirm a candidate’s ability to adapt prior learning or current competence to the context of the intended workplace or industry.
Forms of evidence toward recognition may include: Work records; Records of workplace training; Assessments of current skills; Assessments of current knowledge; Third-party reports from current and previous supervisors or managers; Evidence of relevant unpaid or volunteer experience; Examples of work products; Observation by an assessor in the workplace;

Performance appraisal; or Duty statements.

Many of these forms of evidence would not be sufficient on their own. When combined together, with a number of evidence items, the candidate will start to provide a strong case for competence. First Aid Pro reserves the right to require candidates to undertake practical assessment activities of skills and knowledge in order to satisfy themselves of a candidate’s current competence.

Getting credit for your current competence

First Aid Pro acknowledges the requirement as an RTO to recognise the awards issued by other RTOs. This is limited to outcomes that are drawn from the national skills framework being units of competence awarded and accurately identified in statements of attainment and qualifications.

What is a credit transfer?

Credit transfer is the recognition of learning achieved through formal education and training. Under the ASQA Standards for Registered Training Organisations, qualifications and statements of attainment issued by any RTO must be accepted and recognised by all other RTOs. First Aid Pro will request authentication of any qualification presented by a student from the issuing RTO as part of the process of confirming competency. Credit Transfer allows a student to be awarded a unit of competency/module based on successful completion of the unit which has been previously awarded whether by First Aid Pro or any other registered training organisation in Australia (RTO).

Evidence requirements

If you are seeking credit you are required to present your statement of attainment or qualification for examination by First Aid Pro upon enrolment in any course. These documents will provide the detail of what units of competence the applicant has been previously issued. You must provide satisfactory evidence that the statement of attainment or qualification is yours and that an Australian RTO has issued it. A fee may be charged for processing this application, that is not more than the full enrolment fee for the course being undertaken. 
Statements of attainment or qualifications should be in the correct format as outlined in the Australian Qualifications Framework Implementation Handbook. You are required to submit copies only which are certified as true copies of the original.

Credit transfer guidelines

The following guidelines are to be followed in relation to credit transfers: Any student is entitled to apply for credit transfer in a course or qualification in which they are currently enrolled. Students may not apply for credit transfer for units of competence or qualification which are not included in First Aid Pro scope of registration. Whilst students may apply for credit transfer at any time, they are must do so before commencing a training program. This will reduce unnecessary training and guide the student down a more efficient path to competence. The student may incur a fee for credit transfer. Credit transfer may only be awarded for whole units of competence. Where a mapping guide identifies a partial credit, this will not be considered for credit transfer and applicants will be advised to seek recognition

Booking Process

After booking a course from our website, you will receive a tax receipt and a booking confirmation email. In the booking confirmation email, you will receive a learner guide and pre quiz to print and complete. You must access your student portal to complete your enrolment and access the learning tools.


Return policy

In the case of purchase of a physical product from this website that satisfies one or more of the following cases we will gladly arrange a refund or exchange of the product:
• The product proves faulty within 14 days of receiving the product and/or date of invoice
• The product does not match its description as provided when sold
• The product received is not the product ordered
• The product has been damaged in transit
Please contact us immediately if any of the above occurs to arrange a return. Products returned without prior notice will be rejected.
Please ensure that returned products are safely packed in their original packaging. We will not be held liable for damage to products incurred during return shipping.

Delivery of Quality Services

First Aid Pro mission statement is to deliver quality training assessment that meets the needs of learners and industry.

Price Guarantee

First Aid Pro is committed to providing quality, cost-effective First Aid Courses throughout Australia. First Aid Pro guarantee to not be beaten on any written price on like for like courses that are for nationally recognised First Aid Training . Should you find a lower price elsewhere, simply complete our instant price match form to arrange a price match 12% discount on the advertised equivalent First Aid Course fee.

To claim your price match 12% discount for any of our equivalent First Aid Courses, you will need to provide details of the advertised offer and book into an equivalent First Aid Pro course being offered in a similar location and date to that which is offered by a competitor. Please note that First Aid Pro requires payment at the time of booking.

The Price Guarantee is only valid for first aid courses available to the general public. For you to receive your price guarantee it is essential that our team can verify the offer, including the type of course, date of course, the location of the course and the price of the course at the time of booking.

You must claim the price guarantee at the time of your initial booking.

First Aid Pro’s usual refund and cancellation and policies still apply.

To receive your First Aid Certificate on the day of your training, please ensure that you have booked and paid for training prior to the course date and provided your USI and other mandatory requirements and are deemed competent upon successful completion. First Aid Pro looks forward to seeing you at one of our many locations shortly.


Equivalent Course: The course must be for the same nationally recognised qualification, either Perform CPR (HLTAID009), Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (HLTAID010) or Provide First Aid (HLTAID011). A course of a different length but providing the same qualification is eligible.

Similar Date: Weekdays are interchangeable, however Saturday or Sunday first aid courses must be matched exactly. The advertised first aid course must be within 3 days of the equivalent First Aid Pro course that you wish to book.

Similar Location: Within 5km of our compared training location.

Under 18 Parental/Guardian Consent Form

It’s a requirement that anyone under 18 years of age is required to provide us with written consent from their parent/guardian prior to participating in any First Aid Pro courses. The minimum age allowed to attend our course is 14 years of age (with parental consent). Please download and complete our Parent/Guardian Consent Form HERE, and email the completed form to courses@firstaidpro.com.au prior to class attendance. This is the student/parent’s responsibility, First Aid Pro holds no responsibility if not completed and student is refused entry to desired class.

Certificate Issued FAST (Zoom Courses) 

To meet the requirements to receive your electronic First aid or CPR certificate FAST, you need to supply the following information upon enrolment and complete the course successfully at the course date of your choice as per below:

  • Provide your full name (as used to register for your USI/your legal name shown on your ID)
  • Provide your USI number
  • Ensure your full enrolment details, and all course paperwork is complete
  • Complete all online learning requirements
  • Successful completion of the course (deemed competent)
  • You must return the remote training kit you’ve received. Once we receive it, your certificate will be released! You have been issued with a self-addressed envelope so make sure to send them quickly for faster results.
  • Payment is due in full before attendance. Failure to return the kit is deemed non-payment, which means the certificate cannot be released until we receive full payment.
  • The credit card you used for your purchase of the course may be charged $110 if we don’t get our training kit back. Make sure that all the contents are in good working order and send it immediately so there will not be any further charges

If any of this information has not been supplied or cannot be verified, we cannot guarantee your certificate to be issued fast. Only once our administration staff can confirm the above information will they send your certificate electronically, be aware this may cause delays to your certificate being able to be issued.

If you have completed the above and your details are correct, and your certificate does not appear in your email inbox, please check your spam or junk mail folders as some email settings cause this to happen. If, for whatever reason, your certificate has not arrived, please get in touch with us anytime by email or call us on (08) 7120 2570.

If you require a paper copy of your certificate, this incurs an additional charge of $12 (including postage) and may take up to 21 days to be delivered. If you require a “wallet card” certificate, these are available for $5 (including postage). You can order one by calling our office on (08) 7120 2570.

Student Visa Holders

Students are required to check if their visa status enables them to enrol with First Aid Pro prior to enrolling in any of our courses. Visa status can be checked online via the Visa Entitlement Verification Online service. Section 8 of the ESOS Act states “a provider must be registered on CRICOS to provide a course at a location or do so in accordance with an arrangement they have with another registered provider. Any course undertaken by a student visa holder must be registered on CRICOS”. Therefore, anyone holding a student visa, are not permitted to enrol. Visa study eligibility is the responsibility of the student and not First Aid Pro.

Visa Holders

Students are required to check if their visa status enables them to enrol with First Aid Pro prior to enrolling in any of our courses. Visa status can be checked online via the Visa Entitlement Verification Online service. Visa study eligibility is the responsibility of the student and not First Aid Pro.
The following Visa classes are not permitted to enrol;

  • 159 Provisional Resident Return
  • 456 Business Short Stay
  • 459 Sponsored Business Visitor
  • 771 Transit
  • 773 Border
  • 988 Maritime Crew Visa
  • 500 Student Visa


Students, please be aware that Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) may be in operation at designated First Aid Pro training rooms and external venues and that they are subject to monitoring and review for security and workplace health and safety reasons.


Students who participate in classes/activities do so at their own risk. No liability or responsibility is accepted by First Aid Pro for any injury, illness, damage, loss, accident, expense, or any other claim arising from involvement in any classes/activities.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is negative feedback about services or staff that has not been resolved locally. A complaint may be received by First Aid Pro in any form and need to be formally documented by the complainant in order to be acted on. Complaints may be made by any person but are generally made by students and/or employers. To submit a formal complaint in writing please download and complete the complaints and appeal form HERE and email it to jarrad@firstaidpro.com.au