First Aid Guide on Using CPR Training Manikins: CPR training manikins are crucial in giving real-life experience to learners by allowing them to practice CPR techniques in a low-risk environment.

With the use of CPR training manikins, you can gain the confidence and the experience to help save lives.

Use Of CPR Training Manikins

Simulation is one of the most effective methods of teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, the use of real human being in training purposes is not recommended due to possible injuries and other health complication.

The need for life-like experience without complications is why dummies or manikins are used for CPR training.

CPR manikins are the best tools for simulation in teaching learners on the different CPR procedures. With some of the advanced models being life-size and have the softness and flexibility of human beings, the learners practice chest compression and rescue breathing into the dummy.

The use of CPR manikins is important as they can adjust their force without being concerned of causing injuries to a real human being.  By using lifelike dummies, each student will also learn the fundamentals of CPR easily.

Learn CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a first aid procedure that is vital in limiting long-term damage to the brain in a sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and other emergencies. With proper training using life-like CPR manikins, you can gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to help save lives.

Immediate and effective CPR intervention can significantly increase the survival rate by 40%. On the other hand, each minute that CPR treatment is delayed, the chances of survival drops by 10%. This only proves the importance of CPR in prolonging the life of another human being in an emergency.

Along with being able to save lives, learning CPR also has a range of benefits – personally and professionally. Knowledge of CPR provides you a sense of confidence and authority when dealing with emergencies inside and outside the home.

Having a CPR certificate under your belt can bring a strong impression to employers and makes you stands out among competition. A CPR certification goes to show that you have a can-do attitude and confirms that you are someone who has self-assurance in your abilities.

With the help of training manikins through effective CPR training, you can learn to be proficient at providing CPR. Not only will it help you build your confidence, it will also help you advanced in your career.

What Are The Different Types Of Manikins?

There are several types of training manikins used to simulate the process of CPR. Some of the most common and widely used CPR manikin are the following:

Half Body CPR Training Manikin

Half body training manikin is developed and produced in the purpose of providing a convenient (and improved) training experience for beginners and those wanting to renew their CPR certificate.

The half body training manikin uses new materials and technology, with lifelike appearance and high durability. These qualities make it extremely convenient to carry out or simulate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedures.

Advanced CPR Training Manikins

Advance CPR training manikins are mostly made with high grade silicones that simulates human-life skin, which provides more authenticity to the emergency procedure.

These manikins are equipped with better features such as live monitor or feedback mechanisms that point out chest compressions with correct depth and rate. It also enables positive reinforcements and provides students a much more comprehensive learning, which boost their confidence in performing CPR.

The advance CPR manikins are more expensive competed to the basic manikins. Although experts on the field and first aid instructors say that the manikin price justifies the outcome.

Advanced Infant Training Manikins

Advanced infant training manikins and simulators are mostly used to rain paediatric healthcare professionals to improve their core competencies and skills to effectively manage infant-related emergencies, which help stabilise pre-hospital and in-hospital patients.

The advanced infant training manikins will help learners gain the skills and confidence they need to save an infant’s life.

Advanced Child Training Manikins

The advanced child training manikins are life-like paediatric stimulators that are often used in medical setting for training purposes. The function of these advanced manikins is to replicate the look and appearance of either a male or female child (around 10 years of age) to conduct CPR simulations.

Advanced child training manikin can have the appearance and feel of the genuine human appearance and can feature various medical capabilities. These will help learners to experience a highly realistic and accurate lifesaving training experience.

Neonatal (New-born Child) & Nursing Manikin

A neonatal (new-born) and nursing manikin is a life-like simulator that represents the body of a new-born baby. This manikin offers effective infant CPR training, without compromising realism or quality.

These models can offer real-life experiences to learners that will help address several health conditions such as shaken body syndrome. This manikin also promotes prenatal education, infant safety, child care skills, and more.

Manikins that are especially made for basic CPR training generally have a head and torso for adult models. Although more advanced models are full-body and containing special features.

While most adult CPR manikins are male, there are also available for female or obese male manikins. Child and infant manikins for CPR training also comes with complete bodies.

Get CPR Training

At the First Aid Course Canberra, our Provide CPR course (HLTAID009) are taught using the best training manikins to make learning more effective. The use of CPR manikin is effective and practical and also complies with all the national first aid training guidelines.

CPR training offers the ideal blead of learning and instruction in performing adult, child, and infant CPR. When you enrol for a CPR training course with us, we will provide you a practice manikin to give you the best hands-on instruction possible.

If you have any queries, you can call (08) 7120 2570 or email us at to learn more. 

Register for your CPR course today.